Saturday, July 17, 2010

Toilet paper roll home decor

I have seen many ideas, turning TP rolls into home decor. Here is what I came up with.

Friday, July 16, 2010

From this to ....

About a year ago, my mom gave me about 500 of these scrapbooking metal tiles. They all have the same saying. I have given a few away. I got a bright idea. I had wanted to make some charm necklaces. I didn't want to pay the price for the supplies. Here is my cheap version of those pouplar charms.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Family Tree

Today is my sister Kim's b-day(Happy Birthday!). I made her these family tree cupcakes. Kim loves doing family history. I thought these were a perfect match, for her. Here is a close up, of my family.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

25 cent Fun

Today I went to a few yards sales. I found 2yards of plaid fabic for 25cents. 1yard star fabric, 1/2 yard other fabric for FREE! (All because of my hat). When I saw all of the fabrics together. I knew it was meant to be. I know it's a little late for this, but Hailey can wear it on the 24th of July.
Sorry the pic aren't better!

Name Tags

I will be going to YW girls camp this month. They ask me to make name tags, for the Secret Sister mail box. I got a little carried away. I made each tag to represent the girls personality. I think they turned out fun.

4th garland

I forgot to post this garland. I made it for the rail in my front yard.

Monday, July 05, 2010

A Happy Hello

I saw this cute idea on Dawn's blog. We are getting ready to head over to a friend's for a BBQ. I knew I need to make this for the hostess. I thought it would be a great gift.

Card group sneak peek

This is the card I have been working on for card group. It is a paper flower pin. You can take it off the card and wear it.

Getting back to my roots

I keep finding myself getting caught up in a bunch of projects. If you haven't noticed I have a love for all crafts. My orginal start was stamping and card making. I have been so wrapped up in other hobbies. It seems I have forgotten how much, I love stamping. I have given myself a challenge. I will pick one,if possiable two stamp sets a week. I will see how many diffrent items, I can make using them. For this week I choose Stampin up's Razzle Dazzle set. Here are a few cards I made.

Skirt combo

I got a little crazy. I made myself a matching skirt, hat, and headband combo. I think it all turned out pretty well.