Thursday, March 11, 2010


I am on a sewing buzz again.. I saw these cute hats online. I was going to purchase the pattern, until I found out it was $15. I set out on a mission, to create my own pattern. This is my version .


  1. These are SO adorable!! Every time you post something I am just in awe... I don't have a creative bone in my body and you whip out planes out of gum & necklaces out of washers (which I get tons of compliments on by the way) :)

  2. Oh my gosh, that is SO cute!!!!! It almost makes me sick how good you are at stuff like this

  3. DARLING!! Way to make up your OWN pattern!!

  4. I need some of those for my kids for Disneyland in a few weeks...... LOVE THEM!!!
